Meet our Counselors
One of the things that truly separates us from other camps is that most of our staff were former campers, many since they were six years old. We know them and they know camp. We know their families, their skill sets, and strengths. We have never had to use a hiring agency to hire staff. This longevity allows you to trust us with your children. We have a 3:1 staff/ camper ratio and 94% of our staff are over 19 yrs. old. As well, over 90% of our staff are CPR/ First Aid and Lifeguard certified

6 things we look for in our counselors.
A personal life outside of camp that resembles and reflects our camp mission.
Competence and maturity in their activity that ensures the safety of our campers.
A graduated perspective on childhood, and a readiness to be mature guides for our campers.
A genuine passion for working with children. (Consequently, many of our counselors go on to become educators.)
A readiness to commit fully to their campers’ needs and, for the summer, set their personal lives aside.