What are Anchor Points?
Anchor Points is a 6 week leadership experience for 16 year olds. It is both counselor training, and life training. It is appropriate for both the 16 year old who wishes to become a counselor the following year, and the one who just wants to participate.
We believe that in order to lead, our future counselors and the world’s future leaders will need to be deeply rooted in real stuff: Enduring Friendship, Competence, Strength of Mind, and Strength of Character.
The Anchor Points program consists of day and overnight trips, lifeguard training, roundtable discussions, activity training, and a two day solo. All AP’s of a single gender share a cabin together.
While the Anchor Points experience is “training”, it is done at camp…and camp is meant to be fun. The Anchor Points summer is almost always a campers favorite summer at Camp Eagle Wing. The friendships are deeper because of the six week program. These young people work together, play together, think together, and live together.
This program is open to anyone who wishes to sign up. There are no prerequisites, and no application process. Please call our office at (860) 563-2804 with questions, or to register. Space is limited.
Eagle Wing is within driving distance of Acadia National Park and many other outstanding hiking, climbing, kayaking, and canoeing destinations. At Acadia alone we explore Otter Cliffs, The South Bubble, Precipice, Cadillac Mountain, Sand Beach, Seawall, and The Canyon.

Cabin Life
Living in a cabin with your peers for 6 weeks at camp with the devices absent, (Ipods, cell phones, computers, etc.) you will truly begin to know each other and exist in real relationships (not virtual) at camp. This becomes incredible preparation for college, career, and family life later.

2 Day Solo
The Anchor Points solo is a two day, one night solo on an island nearby camp. Part of the culmination of the six weeks, the solo is an opportunity for participants to reflect on their summer and contemplate their future. It is also an opportunity to practice self-reliance in a protected way. Though AP’s are alone, while soloing they will be surrounded by our staff and numerous safety nets.

Lifeguard Training
AP’s will receive training to become certified Lifeguards which includes training in First Aid, CPR and the use of the AED.
Roundtable Discussions
Roundtable discussions and training with our founder and executive director Chick BeVier are part of the experience. This is perhaps the strongest aspect of our Anchor Points program; it is certainly one of the more unique. This time becomes a favorite of almost all Anchor Points graduates. All AP’s spend time reading, writing, and discussing with Chick BeVier and with each other. The goal is to learn to Be Hard to Fool.
Counselor and Activity Training
Learning what it takes to be a counselor in the bunk as well as focused training in activities of your choice.

Full Season Only: July 1 – August 13 (6 weeks)
- Registered by October 1, 2016: $3,400
- Registered by March 1, 2017: $3,500
- Registered after March 1, 2017: $3,700